Futsal Tryouts : Only required to attend one day of tryouts 

Saturday Oct 28 & Nov 4 

Age Groups 2015-2014 11am-12pm

Age Groups 2013-2012 12pm-1pm

Age Groups  2011-2010 1pm-2pm

Ages Group 2009-2005 2pm-3pm

Must Pre-Register Online!

Location: SST Facility

450 Commerical Dr

Suite 105

Louisville KY 40223

In consideration of participating in the Kick Fit Soccer LLC. enrichment program, I, the minors parent, or legal guardian, acknowledge and understand the nature of this activity. My child is in good health and good physical condition, which qualifies him/her to participate in the Kick Fit Soccer curriculum. I am fully aware that this activity involves risks of physical injury which may be caused by my own kids actions, or inaction's, those of others participating in the program, the condition in which the event takes place; I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs and damages incurred as a result of my childs participation in this activity. I further agree and warrant that if at anytime I believe conditions and the environment is unsafe, I will immediately contact Kick Fit Soccer LLC. and discontinue further participation in the activity. I hereby expressly, unconditionally and irrevocably waive, release and discharge any claim or cause of action arising out of such injuries, losses or damages and covenant to defend, hold harmless and not sue Kick Fit Soccer LLC., its respective administrators, employees, coaches, other participants, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and leasers of premises on which the activity takes place (each considered one of the Releasees herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses and/or damages. I understand that for promotional purposes Kick Fit Soccer, LLC. or its Releasees may videotape and/or take photographs of participants participating in the activities, classes or programs. I hereby release and permit Kick Fit Soccer, LLC. to utilize for said promotional purpose any photographs and/or videotapes of my minor child or whom I am a guardian for that are engaged in the above listed sport activities. I also further agree that if, despite this Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which may incur as a result of such a claim. I have read and understood the contents of this Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement, have signed it freely without inducement or assurance of any nature, and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.


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